Files & Folders

505a791f-585a-413e-a437-3a4d6b364e33To understand files and folders on the computer, take out a Manila folder from your desk. The Manila folder from your desk is the same as a Folder on your computer. It opens up and you can put pieces of paper into it. Those pieces of paper are called Files on the computer. Grab another Manila folder from your desk and put it inside the first Manila folder. Now you have put a folder inside of a folder. And other pieces of paper can go inside that second folder. This is the way files and folders work on your computer. Folders contain files and can also contain more folders to help organize your “Files”.

What is the Cloud?

73828355-b389-4c10-9732-354ce040291cBasically, the Cloud is the Internet. When something is in the Cloud, that means it is stored on servers (or other computers) on the Internet, instead of on your computer. It lets you access your calendar, email, photos, files and more, from any computer or device that has an internet connection. You may not realize it, but you are using the Cloud when you check your Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Verizon or Comcast email because you would be able to check your email from any computer connected to the internet – not just your own. Some examples of the Cloud that you may have heard of are Google Docs, iCloud, DropBox, and more. Here’s a short video to give you more information about the Cloud: What is the Cloud

Did you know?

dd3311ad-2097-4e10-8dc5-80ee549e7e13I notice this all the time. So I wanted to set the record straight! When you are typing text into different boxes, such as your name, email, address, etc., you click inside the box first. But you do not have to click at the very beginning of the box. You can actually click anywhere inside the box – the center, the right, it doesn’t matter. You will still see the blinking cursor! Then type! This way, you don’t have to be so concerned about clicking exactly at the left edge of the box!

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